An interesting Fieldwork Day for L6th Form Biology pupils
Biology Sixth Form

An interesting Fieldwork Day for L6th Form Biology pupils...

L6th Form Biologists took part in a Fieldwork Day which involved a visit to Pitcombe Rock Falconry. We were lucky enough to have a talk on Predation and Intraspecific and Interspecific Competition - lots of the birds of prey were brought out for us to see flying and for the pupils to hold. Gilbert the Turkey Vulture also made a special appearance.

Afterwards, we headed to the nearby River Brue for some river sampling - the pupils carried out their Required Practical which was to investigate how environmental factors affect the distribution of a particular species. The L6th Form got thoroughly stuck into their investigations, showed great team work and managed to identify a plethora of species - mayfly nymph, freshwater shrimp, caddisfly larvae and a few small trout to name but a few! After a very warm morning at the Falconry, the cool of the river was welcomed by all!

Kate Stainton - Head of Biology

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