Chemistry Curriculum

3rd Form pupils begin the IGCSE curriculum covering How Science Works, Particle Theory, Equations and Calculations, Bonding and The Periodic Table. Alongside the Chemistry workshops we enjoy showing pupils fun experiments from outside of the GCSE and A Level courses.

The expansive laboratories allow us to successfully unite theoretical and practical elements of this subject enabling pupils to appreciate the wider contextual applications of Chemistry. Alongside the required practical tasks, we give pupils the opportunity to conduct experiments from outside of the GCSE and A Level courses, as well as many engaging demonstrations.

In the Sixth Form, pupils take part in a Chemistry symposium and are asked to deliver a presentation on an area of Chemistry that piques their interest. To enhance the A Level experience, U6th Form Chemists visit Bristol University for a Spectroscopy Day; all Sixth Form Chemists attend a series of ‘Chemistry in Action’ lectures and L6th Form Chemists either synthesise benzocaine or extract caffeine at Bristol University.

Those completing A Level Chemistry, go on to a wide variety of degree courses, such as Medicine (Queen's University Belfast and La Universidad Europea de Madrid), Veterinary Medicine (Bristol University), Engineering (various), Biomedical Science (Aston), Pharmacy (Manchester), Science (Portsmouth), and Chemistry (Cardiff and Leicester).

Chemistry Curriculum

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