During our 500th Anniversary year (2019) the School released a documentary film which tells the history of King's Bruton.
Read our history of King's Bruton:
King's Bruton commissioned a fantastic 'Treasures of King's Bruton' book to commemorate it's 500th Anniversary in 2019. Click here to discover more about the book & place an order |
If you have any queries about the School’s history, please email the School Archivist, Mr Andrew Leach.
A selection of old photographs of life at King's:
There is no one size fits all at King's; every child is individually focussed on across the teaching, university and career guidance, sports and learning environment, so that you can truly feel, as a parent, that your child is being completely and holistically cared for. Our son was even taught to tie a bow tie properly - just the kind of ‘icing on the cake’ which King's provides. - Past Parent