Activities & Events

The Chaplaincy offers a wide range of contexts in which faith in Christ can be investigated. Whatever pupils decide to do in response, they leave King’s having heard that they are infinitely more than the substance they are made of, and that they are precious beyond their wildest dreams in the eyes of the God who made them and acted to save them.

Our wide-ranging Chaplaincy programme is rooted in a biblical ministry which holds the bible to be God’s word piercingly relevant for today’s world. In a sense, the Chaplaincy is no different to any Department at King’s in that our role is to educate and inspire. Teaching the Bible, therefore, is the heart of all our various groups and meetings.

There are no barriers at any point of contact with the Chaplaincy where everything we offer is accessible and open to all. Chapel is run in such a way that all present, of whatever faith or of no faith, feel welcome and respected.

The moral development of pupils is reflected in their clear awareness of right and wrong. Pupils understand the moral values underpinning the school community and espouse them actively. They are courteous and sensitive to the needs of others, and behave very well. ISI Report.