We can receive Registration Forms at any time, and we recommend that you register no later than the end of Year 6. This enables your son/daughter to become fully involved in the programme of events from Year 7 onwards.
Registration is on line and the form can be found on the Registration & Next Steps webpage, in this section. A non-refundable registration fee of £100 is payable by BACS and the bank details are on the registration form.
We do not set pre-tests, neither do we have entrance exams. Most 3rd Form entry UK based applicants will be expected to sit Common Entrance (but this is not always the case), the results of which are used for setting on arrival into King’s Bruton. Offers are made based on school reports, interviews with the Headmaster and information gained from previous schools.
House allocation is made by the Headmaster during the year prior to joining.
We offer 25% discount to the third and subsequent children of families within the Foundation of King’s and Hazlegrove.
We currently offer 20% discount to all members of the Armed Forces, irrespective of whether they are in receipt of CEA or not.
For travel at the start and end of terms, half-terms and exeats, the School Travel Co-ordinator can book taxis.
All flight and train tickets should be booked by parents.
School bus routes are arranged on an annual basis and are dependent on demand.