
Our charities for the year are selected by a small committee who ask for nominations from pupils and decide which ones to support. All of the money raised from mufti days, cake sales, sponsored events and House events will always go the Charity that we are supporting.​​​​

A group of young people in school uniforms standing in front of a building, representing a charity event.

Community Service

Community Service is a significant part of 6th Form life. On a Friday afternoon, our pupils are given the opportunity to sign up for a variety of placements, both in Bruton and locally, where they can really make a difference and gain valuable life skills and experience. 

  • We have placements in local schools, including a special needs school for deaf and autistic children. There, our pupils help in outdoor Forest School education, listen to children reading, play, and support the teachers in whatever way is needed.
  • We have placements at a local charity shop, outdoor education centre and Alms House garden, as well as befriending in a local care home and Alms House with individual residents. Our pupils greatly enjoy this opportunity to get out of school and try something different.

For a number this makes up part of the volunteering element of their Duke of Edinburgh Award, or something to include on their personal statements for further education or in job applications. The feedback forms received from placement providers show just how much a difference our pupils have made, in terms of practical help but mostly because of their positive and caring attitudes and enthusiasm, which shows just how great a service this part of school life can provide, for all involved.

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