An ambitious group of L6th Form pupils attended a leadership conference hosted by Blundell's School. Led by Salt & Light Leadership Coaching, pupils were encouraged to consider their own characteristics and how this lends itself to different approaches and places within leadership. Working with pupils from other schools, they explored how they could best contribute to part of an overall leadership team, which they then put into practice in scenarios based around potential school situations. It made for a fascinating day, as pupils discovered more about themselves whilst becoming more effective leaders in the process.
Will Daws - Deputy Head, 6th Form
Archie - Blackford House
"It was a day that provoked deep thought into decision making, forcing us to adopt alternative mindsets which can be deployed in all real life scenarios".
Ashtyn - Arion House
"The lesson I took from the day is that in order to make the correct decisions I have to understand myself, my values, strengths and weaknesses first."
Rory - Lyon House
"The leadership conference was incredibly useful; it helped to develop my skillset. It pushed me to think team first and learn to be confident with my ability. It helped me keep an open mind and helped to improve my decision making. Which will be helpful in the future when I put myself in situations where I'm not comfortable. I'm glad I signed up as if a great opportunity opens itself up, I would love to be involved."
Samuel - Lyon House
"I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to develop my leadership skills and found the day enriching and educational. Overall, I found that the day improved my decision making and has set me up well for the future."