Biology is an exciting, challenging and rewarding subject which covers a diverse range of topics from molecular biology to the biosphere, whilst taking into account past discoveries and future advances in biotechnology. In the 3rd Form, pupils will study an array of exciting topics ranging from cellular biology to the physiology of the human body and onto the environments of the living world.
In the Biology Department, we feel one of the best ways to learn is by experiencing Biology first hand, through a number of practical experiments and dissections in lessons, and also through visits and trips. Whether that be our 3rd Form Ecology trip or our 6th Form field work trip and Molecular Biology workshop – the pupils have exciting opportunities to enhance their understanding outside of the classroom.
The Biology Department follows the Edexcel IGCSE specification for GCSE, alongside the Chemistry and Physics Departments. The Biology Department starts teaching its GCSE course in 3rd Form and pupils cover topics including Human Influences on the Environment, Microorganisms, Plant Biology, Homeostasis, Organ Systems of the Human Body, Genetics and Inheritance. After end of year examinations in 4th Form and trial examinations in 5th Form, decisions are made as to whether pupils continue with the Triple or Dual Award in Science.
The Biology Department also follows the Edexcel IGCSE Single Award for selected pupils.
The Biology Department follows the AQA specification for A Level and it proves to be a popular subject choice for pupils. In L6th Form, pupils cover topics including Biological Molecules, Cell Ultrastructure, Immunology, Exchange and Transport Systems, DNA, Protein Synthesis, Selection and Classification. Those pupils who continue to study Biology for U6th Form, in order to gain an A Level in Biology, study topics such as Photosynthesis, Respiration, Energy through Ecosystems, Nutrient Cycles, Inheritance, Genetic Engineering and Gene Technology, Nervous Coordination, Muscle Contraction and Hormonal Coordination.
Throughout the two year course, pupils will be assessed on a wide range of practical skills which they will be able to demonstrate through a number of experiments. These practical skills range from calculating the mitotic index of root tips to dissecting the respiratory system of a locust. This course prepares pupils brilliantly for pursuing future careers in science.