Old Brutonians sing with our Director of Music at Wells Cathedral
Old Brutonian Association (Alumni) Music

Old Brutonians sing as the Kingsbury Singers, directed by our Director of Music at Wells Cathedral.

I direct a choir called the Kingsbury Singers who usually meet one or twice a year during the school holidays to sing a weekend of services in cathedrals; the members form a network of singers from across the country. Since becoming Director of the Kingsbury Singers, I have encouraged Old Brutonians to join the mailing list. Several of them have taken part in residencies, most recently to Wells Cathedral on Sunday 6th June to sing two services: a Choral Eucharist and Choral Evensong to commemorate the founding of the Royal British Legion in Somerset.

It was wonderful to on this occasion to welcome Old Brutonians: Tom Hudson, Alex Hutton, Abagael Hyde, Eleanor Little, Charlotte Mansergh and Sam Young, some of whom have studied music at university or conservatoire, or worked as a choral scholar and now sing professionally or semi-professionally. It was an unusual visit as the choir numbered a maximum of 18 singers who were, of course, required to be socially distanced, but they sang superbly well, as commented on by several members of the Cathedral clergy.

Ashley Marshfield - Director of Music

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