An interesting talk by Roger Gallannaugh on The Bruton Abbey Project
Archives Old Brutonian Association (Alumni)

An interesting talk by Roger Gallannaugh on The Bruton Abbey Project...

Architect, ex-governor and Old-Brutonian, Roger Gallannaugh, gave an illustrated talk to Old Brutonians before their AGM about the various surveys and reports on the archaeology which lies beneath Abbey Field, all summarised in his recently published book ‘The Bruton Abbey Project’. The ongoing project was initiated in 2011and it is intended that further work will involve more interpretation of the outlines identified on the surveys and establish the origins of the associated fishponds and the nearby dovecote.    

It was fascinating to hear Roger explain the context, architecture and plan of both the Abbey and the Berkeley Mansion in his talk, particularly as I have been fortunate for the past 16 years to have The Glebe and Abbey Field as an extension of my back garden. The Abbey is integral to understanding the history of our school, and we are so lucky to benefit from Roger’s skills as an investigative historian, artist and eminent architect. 

Ian Wilmshurst - Headmaster

Roger’s book launch was a splendid evening. It was fascinating to hear the latest insights he has garnered on the likely size, layout, and appearance of Bruton Abbey. I was especially interested to see how the ground penetrating radar and cross-analysis with other local Augustinian Abbeys has shed light on new theories as to the shape and situation of the Abbey.

Rev'd George Beverly - Foundation Chaplain

The book can be purchased online. Click here to buy a copy.

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