Delightful String & Piano Concert
Music Concert

The String and Piano Concert was a lot of fun, the variety of instrumentalists was impressive as well as the range of genres, writes David Gorodi, Director of Music.

I really enjoyed listening to some of the less experienced musicians who all gave very good performances dealing with their nerves admirably. My personal highlights were perhaps Alex and Lucy performing an arrangement of Quilter's Blow The Wind bBlow; this was a very assured and mature performance from both musicians, great phrasing and a very high awareness of ensemble.

Lucy later gave a brilliant and inspired performance of the 1st Movement from Haydn's Concerto in C for the Cello, her bold dynamic range and attention to detailed articulation was very impressive. Felix performed Grusin's Ray's Blues to end the concert. Felix approached the interpretation of this blues almost as though it was a Chopin Nocturne and it worked brilliantly; some very controlled runs and excellent attention to balance between the two hands. My congratulations to all involved; an album of photos from the concert along with a selection of audio clips can be heard below.

David Gorodi - Director of Music

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