King's Bruton

The Joint Hazlegrove & King's Bruton Concert celebrating rich musical talent within the Foundation

Concert Music

The Joint Hazlegrove and King's Bruton Concert celebrated the rich musical talent within the Foundation...

Flickr album: Joint Hazlegrove & King's Bruton Concert - 17th October 2024 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

The Hazlegrove and King’s Joint Concert at Hazlegrove, celebrated the rich musical talent within the Foundation. The concert featured engaging performances from the Orchestra, Military Band, and Choir, with a particular highlight being the Joint Choir’s lively rendition of Bill Withers’ classic “Lovely Day.”

In addition, smaller ensembles like the Chapel Choir, Flute Group, and Trombone Ensemble showcased their skills, contributing to a diverse and enjoyable evening. The pupils performed exceptionally well, and the supportive audience created a warm atmosphere.

Thank you and congratulations to all the musicians involved for a wonderful celebration of music!

Ashley Marshfield - Director of Music

#KSBMusic #KSBConcert #KSBFoundation

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