The 5th Form Army Cadets had been working hard throughout the term on their Fieldcraft Skills for Exercise Irresistible Charge at Bearwalls Training Area on Dartmoor.
On arrival at the Training Area, the three sections were soon patrolling the area and getting their military heads switched on. Once they had got a good understanding of the land that the Exercise would be taking place on, they made their way to Bearwalls Farm, where the sections set up their camps. Good camp administration was the order of the day as tents were put up and mess tins readied for an evening meal of ration packs. Section Leaders excelled making sure the cadets worked together and that camp was secure.
Following some hearty ration pack meals, the 3 sections set off in the dark to patrol the area and spot the enemy positions. An amazing night sky was on view and the cadets adapted very quickly to moving silently, in close formation in real darkness across difficult terrain. Enemy positions were located and all 3 sections made plans to return to their harbour areas. To ensure that they were not followed, they set up a snap ambush which was necessary as some enemy troops had followed one of the sections back. Having nullified the enemy threat with a most effective ambush, the cadets made their way back to their tents.
A cold night under canvas ensued but no complaints from the hardy cadets. Breakfast of porridge, croissants, hot brew, more rat packs saw all three sections ready for their morning patrol. A very efficient and effective Section Attack ensued as the Friendly Forces located and engaged with the enemy. All three sections worked well together and destroyed the enemy positions.
All staff officers were very impressed with the skills on display. Following the successful conclusion to Exercise Irresistible Charge, the cadets made their way to Willsworthy Ranges for their 100m Live Range Shoot. A stunning day at Willsworthy saw cadets develop their marksmanship principles and achieved qualifying scores for prone, kneeling and sitting positions.
An excellent 2 days on Dartmoor. The cadets were first class and the staff officers were very complimentary about the commitment of the cadets, their teamwork and the skills they displayed over the 24 hours. My personal thanks to all the staff officers that made the Exercise so successful and the cadets for their attitude and commitment to the CCF.
Major Barrow - King's Bruton CCF Contingent Commander