The Chapel Choir sang May Madrigals from the top of St Mary's Tower
Choir Chaplaincy

The Chapel Choir sang May Madrigals from the top of St Mary's Tower...

Flickr album: Chapel Choir sing May Madrigals - 1st May 2024 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

What are ‘May Madrigals’? Originating in Oxford, they are an ancient tradition where church choirs sing from atop their church’s tower on the morning of 1st May to mark the seasons slowly changing from winter through to spring and summer. It is a wonderful chance to pause from the hustle and bustle of school life and give thanks to God for the arrival of warmer seasons and all the life that comes with them. As Psalm 74 says, “It was you [God] who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter.”

Thus, just before 8am, approximately 30 members of the Chapel Choir climbed to the top of St Mary’s Church (our school chapel - the abbey of which St Mary’s was attached to, we were founded from in 1519).  After the clock had struck 8, the Chaplain said an opening prayer, before the choir beautifully sang ‘Now Is The Month of Maying’, a Madrigal by Thomas Morley. After that, a closing prayer of blessing was said before we all descended to join the staff, parents, town-folk, and congregants of St Mary’s for a breakfast of tea/coffee, juice, and freshly baked pastries. This also provided an opportunity to thank the Chapel Choir and Mr Marshfield for all they do throughout the year to enrich and lead the musical worship of the School. Alongside that, it was an ideal moment to thank St Mary’s for their fellowship and to develop further relations with the worshipping community whose space is an integral part to the School’s life.

Rev’d George Beverly - Foundation Chaplain

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