Our Easter Service was the culmination of our chapel series this term: ‘A Better World’
Chaplaincy Community

Our Easter Service was the culmination of our chapel series this term: ‘A Better World’...

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In this series, we have considered how the Bible presents a better world in every aspect of our lives - from friendships, through to hope in the midst of trials. This week and last week, we reached the pinnacle of the series by considering the message of Easter - Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. How is it relevant to us in 2024? Thus, at today’s Easter Service we thought about how the resurrection means we can all join with Paul in having hope in the face of the sting of our mortality. We might have been stung by a wasp or even by a hornet - some of us in today’s service were electrically stung by Rev Bev’s zapping machine! However, we will all have to face the sad sting of death - we will experience the loss of those we love. Yet, the glorious, joyous news of Easter is that Jesus Christ’s resurrection means that the sting of death has been destroyed - what wonderful news! It means that even in the toughest moments of this world, when we face the loss of a loved one or our own mortality, we can have real hope! What a great truth to ponder at the end of term as we approach Easter!

Rev’d George Beverly - Foundation Chaplain

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