6th Form pupils thoroughly enjoyed their Cèilidh
Sixth Form Wellbeing

6th Form pupils thoroughly enjoyed their Cèilidh...

After a request from 6th Form pupils for some Scottish dancing after they had helped out at the 3rd Form Cèilidh in September, I was worried that the pupils might not get involved. How wrong I was - they loved it. A few pupils had reeled before so were able to lead groups and demonstrate to their peers. I was particularly delighted with the enthusiasm shown by the boys and seeing them master 2 dances (The Dashing White Sergeant and the Eightsome Reel) after forty minutes of practice was incredibly rewarding. As always, enormous thanks to Matt and Flora Rawlingson-Plant who gave up their evening to teach the pupils.

Emily Simper Deputy Head, Pastoral

#KSBSixthForm #KSBWellbeing

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