Sixth Form Pupils, Honor & Freda, Have Started Their Own Podcasts
Sixth Form Performance

Two of our Sixth Form pupils, Honor and Freda, have just launched their first ever Podcast. Here Honor tells us how it came about...

Scorpion and Fish is a podcast run by Freda and myself (Honor) to explore different areas of school and discuss with both pupils and staff topics independent from school. We feel it is a non-curricular way of understanding our school community and getting to know the people within it. 

In our first episode, we were joined by the Headmaster and we discussed his 'Desert Island Discs' as well as his life before coming to King’s. We also had music from Amelia (Priory, 5th Form), who sang her cover of ‘Wild Mountain Thyme’. We were joined by Seb and Seb who also contributed to discussions. 

I found I was introduced to a new aspect of King’s, and having had no history with music, I found myself in the Music School an increasing amount. We particularly enjoyed the whole process of recording, with Freda’s favourite bit being the editing and proofing, being a student of music tech. 

The whole process has taught us both a lot. I realised the importance of pronunciation and the sheer time it takes for the editing process to be completed. Something that I know we will both take away from the production would be that it’s okay and necessary to delegate yourself roles within a duo. For example, I tackled the admin side of it, Freda did the editing and we both did content. We also appreciate the scale behind the production as we had taken on the roles of hosts, producers, editors and directors as well as balancing school commitments. 

In the future we plan to produce more podcasts, hopefully widening our range of topics and guests. 

Honor - U6th Form

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