Leavers' Concert best ever, says Director of Music

This was perhaps the best Leavers’ Concert we’ve held at King’s.

With thirteen of the musicians achieving Grade 8 during their time at King’s, it was bound to be an outstanding evening. It’s a little unfair to highlight particular performances, enough to say that it was a pleasure to see these musicians perform confidently, maturely and expressively; a number of the audience were moved to tears on several occasions. Many of the music teachers present agreed that for many of the students it was their most mature performance - it truly was a delightful evening. My congratulations to Eleanor Little, Sophie Finch, Charlotte Ask, Sam Young, Henry Smith, Lucia Pretor-Pinney, Jenny Paterson, Lucy Tyack, Sophie Sage, Kitty Geach, George Weymouth and Josh Hope –Kibble.

David Gorodi - Director of Music


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