King's Bruton

A fantastic experience field day for 4th Form CCF cadets


A fantastic experience field day for 4th Form CCF cadets...

King's Bruton CCF welcomed Footsteps of Discovery (Survival Matters) to educate the 4th Form Army and Royal Navy cadets in the skills of Survival Training. A carousel of activities in the morning saw the cadets experience Basic Fire Lighting (with torch and mobile phone) and then with flint and steel and strikers, safe cutting and use of the bush knife (feather sticks and pot hangers) and finally location skills (ground to air signalling, beacons and improvised stretchers).

The afternoon saw the cadets undertake advanced fire lighting through fire by friction, axe throwing and catapult shooting. The 3 teams finished the day with a competition based on the survival knot aka The Highwayman's Hitch Knot.

The day was a fantastic experience for the cadets as can be seen from the photos and video.

Craig Barrow - Major Contingent Commander, King's Bruton CCF

Flickr album: 4th Form CCF Field Day - 4th October 2024 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin
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