A fantastic Into the Sixth Form Evening
Sixth Form Careers

A fantastic Into the Sixth Form Evening...

To 5th Form pupils, November may seem far away from the start of their 6th Form careers, but those months leading to their GCSEs tend to fly by! Therefore, time given to considering their options for the 6th Form is invaluable at this stage.

On Friday evening, pupils from King’s and further afield, along with their parents, were given the chance to do just that. A talk from Mr Daws (Deputy Head, 6th Form) and Mr Cupit (Deputy Head, Academic) started the evening off, as they introduced the King’s Bruton 6th Form and the curriculum on offer, as well as offering guidance on how pupils might go about choosing their subjects. Entry into the 6th Form is an exciting time, where pupils gain much more independence, and it is the first chance to really identify and secure their own chosen pathway.

Following the introductory talks, a “6th Form Subject Fair” was held in the Sports Hall. Heads of Department and other subject specialists were on hand to answer questions from pupils and parents about what their BTEC or A Level subjects entailed, as well as a guide on their suitability. On hand were the Deputy Head (Academic), Deputy Head (6th Form) and House Masters and Mistresses to guide pupils in their decision making.

It was a fantastic evening, with real vibrancy and excitement for their last two years of school education ahead.

Will Daws - Deputy Head, 6th Form

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