Sixth Form Webinars - Playing Sport in USA Universities
Sixth Form Careers

In the last two weeks, keen sportsmen and sportswomen in King’s 5th and Sixth Form have been exploring opportunities to play sport at universities in the USA.

With the draw of incredible facilities, an exciting university sports culture and potential significant scholarships available, pupils were excited to hear of the potential opportunities on offer. First up, a webinar from Sporting Elite USA helped boys to explore options available to them, including rugby funding routes in the USA.

Then, this Wednesday, Aspire USA introduced the wide variety of women’s sports scholarships available, with a particular look at hockey, with pupils tempted to follow in the footsteps of recent OBs, such as Emily (Saint Louis University) and Sophie (UConn).

Both events, attended by both parents and pupils, provoked discussion and led to lots of questions being asked of the presenters. With fresh inspiration new ambitions were formed and this is certainly an area to watch for King’s pupils in the next couple of years!

Will Daws - Deputy Head, Sixth Form

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