Our Prefects Want Your Old Clothes for Charity
Sixth Form Charity

Our Prefects are launching a clothes collection for charity. Here, Amelia explains...

I have been working with the Prefect team to organise a clothing donation to the YMCA in Wells. They work within the Mendips and South Somerset region to help young adults struggling with homelessness. The organisation provides schemes that offer homes and support to young people by assisting them with the development of skills, and links these young people with accommodation.

This will be a great way to give all of the clothes you no longer wear or are too small for you directly to those who need it. We also thought this is a great start to making the School greener by recycling. Please make sure you donate clean clothes that are not broken in any way and that all shoes should be in pairs. We are not collecting underwear.

Please bring these donations to school on the first day of next term and drop them in House where they will be picked up on the Thursday we are back.

Thanks so much and please don’t donate anything you wouldn’t wear yourself.

Amelia - Prefect

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