King's Marks Centenary Of The End Of WWI
Chaplaincy Old Brutonian Association (Alumni)

To mark the centenary of the Armistice of 11th November 1918 that ended the fighting on land, sea and air in the First World War between the Allies and their opponent Germany, the Chaplaincy has run various remembrance events for the School Community.

Of the 282 Old Brutonians who served in the Great War of 1914-18, 55 were killed in action, or died of wounds or from disease or accident. A further 49 were wounded or gas-poisoned. To help us remember these 56 men, the original Roll of Honour has been put on display in Reception (see photo in the tweet below) with large framed A1 posters showing the photographs of 50 of the 56 fallen being given to each boarding house to display in their house common rooms. Each house has also received a modern printed version of the Roll of Honour (an online version can be seen below) which outlines the stories of these 56 men. Alongside this, the photos of the WWI fallen have been stuck up in the Memorial Hall underneath the panels where their names are carved in wood (see the video clip in the tweet below).

It has been especially poignant for each house to gather on the Memorial Hall Lawn one by one this week for a Short Act of Remembrance where each house has remembered eight of the 56 WWI fallen through prayers, readings, silence and the placing of crosses into a lawn of remembrance. On Wednesday, as a whole school, we held a Remembrance Service in St Mary's Church, reading out the names of the fallen, placing wreaths by their memorials and stopping to reflect on John Chapter 15. We are looking forward to supporting Bruton Town in their Acts of Remembrance on Sunday. Above all it has been wonderful to pause, reflect and remember as a whole School Community, and to see just how many of us have gained such value from taking the time to do this.

George Beverly - Chaplain


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