King's Bruton

Vocalists and Instrumentalists Serve Up Treat in Outstanding 5th Form Concert

Music Concert

Tom Hudson gave three separate performances, one on the snare drum, one on the drum kit and one on the marimba.

Whilst the performance on the snare was very good it was his other two performances which were outstanding, certainly the best percussionist I've heard at King's!

Aby Hyde and Charlotte Mansergh both have delightful voices and both also performed the clarinet. The acoustics in the Memorial Hall certainly suit voices - the girls sounded fantastic. Their performances on the clarinet were similar in that they both produced a rich mellow tone,  Charlotte in particular made use of this in her performance of the 2nd movement from Mozart's clarinet concerto.

Ellas Corlett gave another excellent performance, she has a stunning voice but also treated us to some very fine oboe playing.

Anna Thomas gave two excellent performances: her singing was beautiful but it was her piano playing that I particularly enjoyed -  she showed real attention to detailed phrasing and articulation which resulted in a mature and lyrical performance.

Sky Neal gave perhaps her best performance so far on the cello, she has a rich deep tone and she performed with real maturity.

Holly White played both the piano and the saxophone: she captured the quirky qualities of Francaix's Cinq Danses brilliantly, whilst her phrasing in her piano performance was musically phrased, another mature performance. 

My congratulations to all the 5th Form for this outstanding concert.

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