King's Bruton

Lower 6th Form pupils enjoyed a trip to explore the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge

Sixth Form Careers

An enthusiastic body of Lower 6th Form pupils enjoyed an overnight trip to explore the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge...

The exploration started with a day spent amongst the colleges and academic sites of Cambridge. Led by Mr Daws (Queens’, Cambridge - 1997), the pupils were shown around the Sidgwick site, encompassing predominantly social sciences, humanities and languages departments, before witnessing the inspiring vastness of the Cambridge University Library. After a short walk along the Backs, the group entered the stunning Trinity College Great Court, as made famous by “Chariots of Fire”, not to mention its most famous resident, Isaac Newton. A further opportunity for an encounter with Newton’s history was presented in the impressive Wren Library, where his university notebook, along with many artefacts from other famous academics, was on display. It would be hard not to be bowled over by the immense privilege of visiting, and potentially studying, in a location where academics of such calibre once studied.

From Trinity College, to Trinity Hall, King’s link college, where the pupils were shown around the college by Student Liaison Officer, Siam. He gave a fascinating insight into college life, whilst also giving advice to the eager listeners.

After a short break in the Market Square area for lunch, and a chance to explore the hidden gems of Cambridge Town Centre, the tour continued along the packed King’s Parade, past St Catherine’s Corpus Christi, Queens’ and Peterhouse, not to mention the place of Watson and Crick’s discovery of the structure of DNA, before heading along Downing Street, home to many renowned departments and laboratories. A little way further and the group stepped into the tranquil, yet extraordinarily different, grounds of Downing College itself, a marked contrast to the other colleges with its distinctive neoclassical architecture.

Exhausted, after a busy day’s walking, the group then headed to their hotel via a handily-located Pizza Express.

Day 2 saw the group arrive in Oxford, where they were joined by further pupils who were kindly brought up by Mr Owens. The visit coincided with the University of Oxford’s Open Day, so pupils were able to head off to talks, tours and visits in colleges and different faculties. From the Said Business School, to the Law and Medical Departments, and from Merton and Christchurch to Magdalen Colleges, the pupils made the very most of the opportunities that were open to them.

It is fair to say that it was an exhausting two days, but invaluable and inspiring to all who came, helping to foster ambitions and determination to succeed academically in the remainder of the 6th Form studies. For the Lower 6th starting out, they now begin the established programme of preparation, whilst the Upper 6th are better prepared for their applications which they will submit shortly. We hope that a number will succeed and follow in the footsteps of Old Brutonians Amelia, Isaac, Tom and others in recent years.

Will Daws - Deputy Head, 6th Form

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