King's Bruton

King’s Bruton 35 mile Ten Tors teams completed their first training walk on Exmoor

CCF Activities

King’s Bruton 35 mile Ten Tors teams completed their first training walk on Exmoor...

The two teams of 14 cadets were very excited as they boarded the buses outside Blackford House, and were keen to get out of the classroom and onto the Moor. Hot Porridge at Dunkery Beacon Car Park set them up for the day ahead, and despite a hint of rain in the air, the conditions were favourable for the day, if  very wet underfoot. The two groups walked with confidence and displayed excellent levels of fitness throughout the morning, and began to show some impressive map work and understanding of the geographical aspects of the Moor that they were walking on. Lunch was devoured and then the weather decided to challenge both groups by becoming torrential rain with low cloud, which reduced visibility considerably throughout the whole afternoon. However, spirits were not dampened at all, and the groups remained cheery and motivated, even more so when they saw the welcoming sight of the school minibuses in the carpark!

More classroom training will prepare the groups for their 2nd expedition on the Quantocks in December.

Craig Barrow - Ten Tors Manager

Flickr album: CCF Ten Tors Okehampton - 5th October 2024 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin
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