The Headmaster shining the King's community spirit on a trip to overseas education fairs

The Headmaster shining the King's community spirit on a trip to overseas education fairs...

I am very grateful to Mr Cupit who deputised for me last week when I represented King’s Bruton at two Beach Education school fairs, firstly in Grand Cayman and secondly in Nassau, the capital of The Bahamas. There were 11 other schools at the fairs including Wells, Sherborne and Taunton from the south-west. It was interesting to meet prospective pupils and their families, and although many look to the USA for secondary education, the attraction of high quality British boarding education is understood and valued.

The Cayman Islands are a British Overseas Territory, while the Bahamas is an independent country, albeit a former British Crown Colony. Grand Cayman does feel British whilst Nassau, being close to the USA and popular with American tourists, feels far more American in culture and atmosphere. We were fortunate with good weather during our week, particularly as The Bahamas experienced high winds and heavy rain in the days before our arrival there. We had interesting meeting with the development officers for cricket on both islands, and The Bahamas in particular has seen a decline in cricket and an increase in participation in basketball and baseball.

It was very good to meet up with Old Brutonian, Hugo Tyson (Lyon 2012-17) in Grand Cayman, and I also spent a fascinating afternoon in The Bahamas Art Gallery, where the legacy of slavery and colonialism was very apparent. It was an interesting trip but, as always, it was very good to get back to King’s, via a day’s delayed flight, and the School community here.

Ian Wilmshurst - Headmaster

#KSBCommunity #KSBQuality #KSBSuccess

Photographs courtesy of Hugo Tyson and Beach Education.

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