King's Bruton

BTEC Performing Arts Pupils Develop an Exciting & Thought-Provoking Piece of Theatre

BTECs Drama and Theatre

The BTEC Performing Arts pupils have been exploring the influence of a range of practitioners from Shakespeare to DV8, Frantic Assembly to R.C Sheriff. With the inspiration and guidance of Ms King, the boys used Journey’s End as a stimulus and created work that explored some societal issues of 2019.

Their creativity and playfulness developed an exciting and thought-provoking piece of theatre that left the small audience thinking carefully about the role of masculinity and the struggles that men face during their lives.

I was really impressed and proud of the L6th Form for what they have created and for the messages that they were wanting to deliver to the audience. They used theatre brilliantly as a tool for communication, using it to bring about intellectual challenges. The different perspectives and scenes allowed the audience to individually interpret the performance depending on their own social and individual experiences.

Will Stainton - Head of Performing Arts

Flickr album: L6th Drama Lesson - 13th November 2019 | Height: auto | Theme: Default

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