Our New Prefects Enjoyed a Public Speaking Workshop
Sixth Form Drama and Theatre

Becoming a School Prefect requires self-reflection, a sense of community and selflessness.

To support our new Prefects, we have workshops. We began by looking at our school values, to renew them and ensure they are nurtured for the next generation of King’s pupils. Mahatma Gandhi spoke of the importance of having positive values, because they guide all our actions. The central value is the sense of community that exists. The School Prefects thought their Houses were like an extension of their families in which there is a sense of trust and support. It is a place of acceptance and loyalty. "Often injustice lies in what you aren’t doing, not only in what you are doing." This quote, from the Emperor Marcus Aurelius provoked an in depth discussion that ensured follow up action in Houses. As this week has been a focus on anti-bullying, this quote was all the more pertinent and taken seriously.

To finish, the Drama department led a lively and fun public speaking lesson. We were encouraged to throw a spear into the auditorium whilst quoting Queen Elizabeth I’s speech at Tilbury. The aim was to engage the people sitting on the back row of the auditorium. We also learnt that toffee chewing is an essential warm up exercise before addressing any audience. Our thanks to Ms King for the public speaking lesson.

Alison Grant - Deputy Head

Flickr album: School Prefects Public Speaking Workshop - 23rd September 2019 | Height: auto | Theme: Default

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