An enjoyable and competitive Junior Inter-House Boys' Football Tournament...
An enjoyable and competitive round robin tournament was played out on Saturday afternoon up on Farr field, as Junior boys from each of the Houses played out three entertaining and tight matches. In the first game, Blackford took the lead late on, with Jesse scoring from the penalty spot after the ball had hit a Lyon defenders’ hand, but Lyon roared back into it creating huge pressure with several attacks and they equalised with less than a minute remaining, Ollie scored with an excellent strike that took a deflection on its way past the keeper. Lyon were in the ascendency but there was not enough time, the whistle was blown and it finished a draw.
In the second game Lyon and New played out an entertaining and high quality draw with several of New House's players showing real attacking flair with a couple of notable shots from Iolo. There was some excellent and composed defending from Zak in the Lyon backline. In the final game the grit and determination of Blackford met the flair of New house and it was an exciting match that lead to several good chances for both sides and some good goalkeeping, a shot from far out took the lead and some excellent defending, particularly from Harry, meant that one goal was enough for Blackford to secure the win and the title.
All the players played with an excellent spirit and represented their Houses magnificently.
Junior Inter-House Football Tournament result:
Gareth Thompson - Football Coach