King's Bruton

A superb 3rd Form Battlefields Tour

History English

A superb 3rd Form Battlefields Tour...

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We have just returned from a superb WWI Battlefields Tour to the Western Front in France and Belgium. It really was a vintage year!

Sunday saw us catch an earlier ferry which meant we had extra time in Poperinge exploring this town which was used for entertaining the troops when they weren’t at the front line. We met our guide, John, before taking in Lijssenthoek Cemetery where we considered our first poetry and the role of casualty clearing stations. We settled into our wonderful chateau hotel which we had exclusive use of - hurray!

Monday saw us tour around the Ypres Salient. We learnt how gas was used for the first time near to Essex Farm and Kitchener’s Wood, and the vivid poetry it led poets, such as Wilfred Owen, to write. A particular highlight of the day was visiting the Passchendaele Memorial Museum at Zonnebeke where pupils walked through underground mine shafts, dugouts, and trenches - alongside engaging with a host of interactive exhibitions. That evening, we enjoyed a trip to the chocolate shop in Ypres before witnessing the Last Post Ceremony at the Menin Gate. Well done to Patience and Alex for laying a wreath on behalf of the School and Old Brutonians.

Tuesday saw us head across to explore the Somme and the famous battle associated with the area in 1916. We spent a lot of time on the battlefield sites, understanding the numerous factors that hindered success during attacks. It was especially poignant for three pupils to find and pay their respects at the memorials or graves of their ancestors at the sites we visited. Every soldier has an individual story which it is worthwhile engaging with.

Wednesday saw a final visit to Tyne Cot Cemetery and Memorial. Here another pupil paid their respects at an ancestor’s grave, alongside us pausing as group to hold a short service of remembrance at the position on the memorial where an Old Brutonian (Oliver Wakefield) is remembered.

Our congratulations to all the pupils for being so well engaged, behaved, and thoughtful. We look forward to further Battlefields Tours!

Rev’d George Beverly - Foundation Chaplain & History Teacher

#KSB3rdForm #KSBEnglish #KSBHistory #KSBBattlefieldsTour2024 

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