The Magic of a Good Story
English Library

The magic of a good story...

In Monday’s Assembly, I sought to reconnect us all with the magic of a good story. With my grandfather’s trusty copy of 1001 Arabian Nights at my side, I ventured to take the School through a whistle-stop tour of my story and the literature that is entwined within it. From Roald Dahl to Michael Drayton, along with some snippets of Julia Donaldson’s Tiddler, I wanted to explore the capacity of literature to influence how we think, how we feel, and its ability to guide us home.

After half-term, we are introducing two new initiatives to get pages turning and hearts and minds ticking. Firstly, we would like every 3rd and 4th Form pupil to read during one of the tutor time each week. During these sessions, each form tutor will keep a note of the total pages read during the week. Secondly, we will introduce a King’s Bruton Leavers’ Library. At the end of the academic year, departing School Prefects and Staff will be asked to select and dedicate a text that will inspire and guide pupils for years to come.

After all, we all love a good story.

Mark Hambleton - Head of English

It was fascinating to hear Mr Hambleton intertwine his own personal memories with other stories to remind us all in Assembly of the importance of reading. I expect we all spend too much time looking at screens and would benefit from reading more. I am particularly looking forward to seeing what books leaving pupils and staff will donate to the new Leaving Library.

Ian Wilmshurst - Headmaster

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