King's Bruton

King's pupils and History teaching staff led a day of activities at Bruton Primary School


King's pupils and History teaching staff led a day of activities at Bruton Primary School...

The History Department led a day of activities at Bruton Primary as part of their School History Week. They were studying different historical eras which covered the Tudors, the Georgians, the Victorians, WW1 and post 1945.  Rev'd Beverly led an activity on Artefacts, Mr Fletcher’s activity was looking at different jobs, Mrs Simper looked at the life of a Monarch, dressing up the pupils, whilst Mr Bunday’s activity was painting historical figures on eggs. King's pupils: Archie, Dan, Polly and Xander, who had finished their exams, came to help with the day. The Bruton Primary School teachers were very grateful and said how much the pupils loved it.

Xander: It was a resounding success, the children loved it and was an incredible experience to be part of after my GCSEs.

Emily Simper - Deputy Head, Pastoral

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