A Joyous Confirmation Service

A Joyous Confirmation Service...

It was wonderful to welcome the Rt. Revd Rob Martin, Honorary Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Bath & Wells for our annual service of confirmation.

Eleven pupils had decided to be confirmed, of which two were also baptised. Over the past term, we have been holding weekly confirmation preparation classes where fifteen pupils explored and dug deeper into the joys of the Christian faith. For some, they quite rightly decided that at the end of the process that they did not feel ready to proceed with confirmation. That is completely the right decision to make - the pupils are in the driving seat throughout and should only proceed with something they are comfortable with and have heartfelt convictions for. Eleven did feel ready; thus, it was a joy to welcome them and their families/friends to the service on Saturday evening. The hymns were glorious, the liturgy reminded us of the riches of the faith, and the bishop delivered a powerful sermon. It was a truly joyous occasion, and especially so given the two baptisms (one by full-immersion - a King’s Bruton first!). Particular thanks must go to the Chapel Choir who sang beautifully - especially during Holy Communion.

For me as Chaplain, our annual confirmation service is one of the highlights of the year. To see pupils desiring to follow Christ and grow their faith brings great warmth to my heart. I look forward to these pupils continuing to nourish their faith through the various chaplaincy events run week by week.

Rev’d George Beverly - Foundation Chaplain


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