King's Bruton

Some charity news from the end of last term


Some charity news from the end of last term...

The L6th Form Arion girls collected a range of woolly gifts to wrap and give to the homeless shelters in Bath. This included, hats, gloves, scarfs, jumpers and winter jackets, all wrapped as Christmas gifts. At the end of term, Ms Bell-West took the box of goodies to Julian’s House and a supported housing scheme in Grosvenor place. Ms Bell-West stated “We do this every year with the L6th Form Arion tutor group, as we all appreciate how cold it can get and how lucky we are in the boarding house and in our homes, to feel warm and snug most of the time. These are small gifts, but we hope they may just bring a little Christmas cheer and comfort.”

Heidi Bell-West - Arion House Resident Tutor & Business and Economics Teacher

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