Inter-House Debating - 3rd Preliminary Round...
It was fantastic to adjudicate a brilliant debate between Lyon House and Priory House, in which the motion was ‘This house believes that we could live without the sciences, but not the humanities’.
Whilst it was evident that both teams had prepared incredibly well, and the content of their arguments were incredibly strong, it was the style of debating that was very impressive. The Lyon House team of Isaac, Ben and Adam deserve a particular mention for their engaging style of debating, and the fantastic rebuttal that they put forward. Mima, Alexina and Amelia of Priory House were also very strong, with Mima in particular articulating a brilliant argument for the motion. Both teams demonstrated a sound understanding of debating, with ‘Points of Information’ used incredibly well to support arguments and undermine the oppositions main points. It was brilliant to see the Sixth Form pupils lead this debate, but also very promising to see the strength of pupils and their string debating skills lower down the school. Lyon House were awarded the win, but a lot of positives and strengths shown by both teams.
Dan Cupit - Deputy Head, Academic