A thought provoking U6th Form Biology & Psychology Symposium
Biology Psychology

A thought provoking U6th Form Biology & Psychology Symposium...

U6th Form Biology & Psychology pupils attended the Biology & Psychology Symposium at Millfield School. The day consisted of two university style lectures per subject. Psychology pupils listened to Eva Hamilton from Key4Life a charity aimed at reducing youth reoffending rates. A second talk from Dr Susan Blakemore on the topic of consciousness debated one of the greatest mysteries facing science today - what does it mean to be conscious? Biology pupils listened to lectures by Professor Matthew Allen on the emergence of technologies such as virtual reality in surgery and a second lecture from Dr Carl May on the models and techniques that biochemists use to understand the root causes of disease.

An enjoyable, thought provoking day was had by all.

Dr Rebecca Larsen - Head of Psychology

#KSBBiology #KSBPsychology #KSBSixthForm

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