A successful PSHEE Day
PSHEE Wellbeing

A successful PSHEE Day...

Debbie Melton, from ItHappens Education gave 3 fantastic talks on Monday to the pupils.

The 3rd & 4th Form talk was on Digital Relationships with the following covered:

  • Humans, images and the past
  • Pornography and the law
  • Unrealistic expectations
  • Sharing of nudes and semi-nudes
  • Relationships and consent
  • Help-seeking and reporting

The 5th Form talk was on Keeping Your Body Safe & Sexual Health with the following covered:

  • Sexual wellbeing and pleasure
  • Inclusive sexual health
  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • Barrier methods
  • HIV & Aids, PrEP & PEP
  • Accessing services and getting tested

The 6th Form talk was on Future Relationships with the following covered:

  • Society & sexuality
  • Authenticity & intensity
  • Victim blaming narratives
  • Sexual harms & reporting
  • Accessing support services
  • Positive & balanced relationships of the future

Debbie was engaging and enthusiastic throughout all 3 talks and the pupils responded very well to all of the material that was covered. She also gave a parents seminar in the evening which focussed on Contextualising RSHE, looking at current UK data on sex and relationships and the challenges to parents discussing RSHE.

All of these talks have been followed up in tutor time on Wednesday in Joint House Tutor groups so that the pupils are aware of the importance of the material.

Emily Simper - Deputy Head, Pastoral and Head of PSHEE

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