An interesting and thoughtful Pastoral Panel for parents
Pastoral Wellbeing

An interesting and thoughtful Pastoral Panel for parents...

The Pastoral Panel for parents, was organised by our Deputy Head, Pastoral, Emily Simper and was chaired by our Chaplain, Rev'd George Beverly. The panel consisted of our Headmaster, Ian Wilmshurst, the Designated Safeguarding Leader, Rob Lowry, the School Nurse, Susanna Murray and Ashley Marshfield, Housemaster of New House. Alexina and Tom from the U6th Form also joined the panel and their insights and eloquence were outstanding. Important topics, such as PSHEE, mobile phones, social media and relationships were all covered in an open and constructive forum.

Thank you to the parents who supported the Pastoral Panel, there were lots of great questions.

Emily Simper - Deputy Head, Pastoral

#KSBPastoral #KSBWellbeing

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