We were delighted to welcome PJ Livett, from rePhrase who gave three fantastic talks to the pupils

We were delighted to welcome PJ Livett, from rePhrase who gave three fantastic talks to the pupils. rePHRASE® offers bespoke Relationships and Sex Education delivered by a qualified Relationships and Sex Educator, using a variety of interactive activities and resources to ensure learning is fun, relevant and memorable.  

The 3rd Form talk was on Navigating social media and covered the following topics:

  • Deep fakes v real
  • Pornography & the Law
  • Sharing of nudes & semi-nudes
  • Online Relationships & Consent
  • Help-seeking & reporting

The 4th & 5th Form talk was on Self-esteem, Body Image and impact of social media.

  • Self-worth
  • Photoshopping and use of AI in Social media
  • Body shaming
  • Effects of Social Media
  • Help-seeking & reporting

The 6th Form talk was on Romance v Red Flags in Relationships.

  • Authenticity & intensity
  • Abuse & Toxic Relationships
  • Accessing support services
  • Positive & balanced relationships of the future
  • Sexual harms & reporting

PJ was engaging, and the pupils really listened. The content was very relevant and pitched at completely the right level. She broke up the sessions with games and blind votes which kept the pupils focused.

All of these talks have been followed up in tutor time, in Joint House Tutor groups, where complex and deep questions that the pupils asked were answered.

There was lots of really positive feedback from pupils:

3rd Form pupils

“Thank you so much, it was very helpful and educational”

“Learning about all of this helped me learn about consent, thank you!”

“Thank you for teaching me about deep fakes. The video about ‘not everything you see is real’ was really interesting”

“I liked the advice given, especially the phone numbers”

4th & 5th Form pupils

“I’ll be nice to myself and treat myself like one of my friends. You are best when you’re yourself”

“I really liked this session, thanks”

“I learned that I’m not ‘normal’ today and that’s ok!”

“I’ve realised that everybody has issues with themselves. I’ll say something good about myself in future”

6th Form pupils

“Really engaging, very helpful and made me rethink and reflect deeply”

“I realise consent is key”

“Really informative talk and helpful acronyms”

“Great talk, interactive and informative. Lots learnt from this talk and can now identify the red-flags in relationships and know what the ‘3 Cs’ are”

Emily Simper, Deputy Head, Pastoral and Head of PSHEE

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