A Headmaster's Distinction for Tallula's filming of the Battlefields Tour
History English

A Headmaster's Distinction for Tallula's filming of the Battlefields Tour....

Every year I am convinced of the value of the Battlefields Tour. There is nothing like being able to walk the ground where millions of brave souls fought and died. The pupils are able immerse themselves in the history and literature of the war - getting to grips with weaponry and clothing, exploring trenches and tunnels, analysing poems in the places where they were written. Moreover, the confrontation with the scale of human sacrifice as we visit cemeteries and memorials, greatly helps us to reflect on the nature of humanity and the hope that can be found in the Prince of Peace. Tallula’s video captures much of this and I commend her for this superb piece of work.

Rev'd George Beverly - Foundation Chaplain

It was nice to have the responsibility of taking videos and photos. I hope I managed to capture the moment. I love photography and filming and hope to develop my skills behind the lens in the future. 

Tallula - 3rd Form, Priory House

Watch the video here.

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