The Headmaster reflects on the first half of the Christmas term
Life at King's Community

The Headmaster reflects on the first half of the Christmas term...

King’s seems to go through a similar process in the first half of this term. We all return from the summer holiday refreshed and suntanned (well, maybe not suntanned after this wet summer) and we welcome new joiners with their brand-new uniforms. The boys in 5th Form seem to have grown a foot taller over July and August, some haircuts need attention to realign with the School Rules, and the weather tends to be anachronistically too warm for the Christmas Term. By half-term the weather has changed, the clocks are about to go back, hockey and rugby are, more often and not, played in wind and rain, the 3rd Form have grown in confidence after their Battlefields Trip, haircuts are more regulation, and we are definitely all up and running as a school.

The list of activities over the past weeks is phenomenal, and I am grateful to the staff who go the extra mile to ensure that King’s offers a truly holistic education, whilst always pushing for high quality in the classroom. Some of my personal highlights so far this term include how the KSBMotorSport Green Power car team sorted out the battery connectivity problems at Goodwood to ensure that our car could resume racing and finish strongly, the rapid improvement in the quality of our Inter-House Debating teams, seeing off the Silver DofE groups after a cold night camping up on Hyde, chatting to the Bishop of Bath & Wells about his fascinating role in the coronation of King Charles III, when he visited to preach in St Mary’s, and working with our excellent group of School Prefects.

We all deserve a relaxing half-term; I know that the weeks up to Christmas will be as busy and as successful as is normal at King’s.

Ian Wilmshurst - Headmaster

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