Acquiring the skills to become a confident leader
Sixth Form Community

Acquiring the skills to become a confident leader...

When starting Upper Sixth in my new role as Head Girl, I felt quite daunted, questioning how I would make an effective leader who was approachable to all year groups. For the past five weeks, the Prefect team has undergone leadership training, organised by Mrs Simper and helped by Mrs Loveless and Mr Marshfield, where we have discussed the importance of our role, what makes a good and bad leader and how to positively contribute to the team’s solution, when faced with a problem. Whilst discussing the qualities of past, inspirational leaders, we also focused on public speaking, a task that is common within our roles. These meetings have highlighted the importance of our roles and encouraged us to recognise and develop our strengths, in order to be the best leader we can. All School and House Prefects have also had a Safeguarding talk by Mr Lowry, our Foundation Safeguarding Lead, which was very useful.

The Heads and Deputies of school had the opportunity to attend the ‘Heads of School Conference’ held at Wells Cathedral School, a day where we met students with similar questions about our new roles. The demanding and exciting programme offered practical-based workshops where we developed our public speaking skills, along with understanding how to ensure a team works effectivity, explored through solving physical tasks with different types of leaders managing the group. We had talks throughout the day, exploring the various responsibilities we hold, including managing meetings, safeguarding responsibilities and the importance of our appearance, highlighting that we are more influential than we may think. I thoroughly enjoyed the day, meeting lots of other pupils and discussing ideas that link into our school life, such as being aware of the term ‘85% Rule’. This notion has stuck with me, ensuring that we try our best, yet be mindful of not burning out when told to put ‘100% effort’ into every aspect of school life.

At school, the whole of Upper Sixth had an interactive talk with Mark Herbert from Salt and Light Coaching, a company which explores the strengths and weaknesses of different leaders, mapped by a colour wheel. After individually completing the leadership quiz, we were given suggestions on our preferred style of leading, including ways in which we like to communicate in a team and also deal with stress. For example, I was positioned in the yellow section of the wheel, establishing my optimistic and enthusiastic approach, yet also making me aware of my tendency to lack attention to detail. This talk was incredibly eye-opening, giving specific areas in which we can develop and work on. It also highlighted that a team works at its best with contribution from leaders in all colours of the wheel, which allows more room to discuss different methods of solving a problem. The companies moto: ‘We help leaders make better decisions’ was definitely achieved, making us question our style of communicating and leadership in a team.

Overall, this half of term has been very influential, where I have acquired the skills to make me feel more confident as a leader, making me more aware of my visibility in school and establishing how I can effectively contribute my strengths when overcoming a challenge as a Prefect team.

Jenna - Head of School
Priory House

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