Monday morning's Assembly focus was on eSafety
PSHEE Wellbeing

Monday morning's Assembly focus was on eSafety...

Mr Jeffrey (Deputy DSL eSafety and Prevent) delivered an “eSafety” Assembly to the whole school, highlighting nine main areas of concern where pupils are at risk from harm (physical, mental, sexual and developmental). These areas ranged from Cyberbullying, Phishing, Malware, and Scams, to Pornography and the Sharing of Nude Images.

There are instances where our pupils have been directly affected by many of these areas and, it was pointed out to the pupils, that we hope to avoid these situations using a range of tools; from internet filters to education (through PSHEE, Tutors and Classroom opportunities).

Mr Jeffrey highlighted the support that the School offers and the “non-judgemental” nature of our response to difficult situations or mistakes that the pupils might make. Pupils were urged to speak to teachers if there were any issues, and not to be afraid to come forward if they were worried or afraid.

Malcolm Jeffrey - Deputy DSL eSafety and Prevent

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