A powerful Question Time style debate on Sexual Harassment
Life at King's Wellbeing

A powerful Question Time style debate on Sexual Harassment...

Ian Wilmshurst - Headmaster

Our Question Time panel on Sexual Harassment was an incredible event. I am delighted that the wisdom and guidance of the expert panellists can be shared across the whole school community via the video (below). As I said to the 6th Formers, as I thanked the panellists, King’s Bruton is one of the few schools not to be mentioned in the 'Everyone’s Invited' testimonies, but the issues raised by 'Everyone’s Invited' are definitely very relevant to us. I am determined that we will tackle these issues via a positive, constructive ongoing programme. I am very grateful to Mrs Grant for organising the Question Time so expertly, to the Chaplain for acting so skilfully as the Chair and to the 6th Formers for asking such intelligent questions.

Alison Grant - Deputy Head

On Wednesday 10th November, our 6th Form attended a Question Time event on sexual harassment. In preparation for this event, the 6th Form pupils were asked to submit questions on all matters which were of concern to them surrounding the subjects covered on the Instagram account ‘Everyone’s Invited’. Over 100 questions were submitted with a final 14 being selected for the panel of experts. During the hour, each pupil asked the panel their question and the panel Chair, the Reverend Beverly (our school Chaplain), directed these questions to those who were most knowledgeable and experts in their field to answer. The debate was fast paced, powerful and inciteful; we heard things that the media does not report. At times, even the panel were overwhelmed by each other’s comments. It was a thought-provoking event and one that aims to start conversations amongst pupils, staff, parents and governors to change an embedded culture of sexual harassment in school.  

Rev'd George Beverly

The Question Time event on Wednesday was one of the most powerful and thought-provoking events that has occurred at King’s during my time here. It was incredibly powerful to hear a diverse panel speak on their areas of expertise, whilst modelling excellent listening along with constructive debate. As Chair, I couldn’t have been happier with the tone the panel set. Indeed, it’s easy to be sceptical or judgemental when listening to someone else who has a very different experience or perspective to yours - but I would honestly challenge anyone to listen to what our panellists had to say and not be moved and informed for the better. We all have a lot to learn and it is brilliant that the School is seeking to take this topic so seriously.

Watch the debate below.

The panel included:

  • Dr Finn Mackay; senior lecturer in Sociology from the University of the West of England
  • Frederico Beard; a performer, writer and facilitator who currently works for Voicebox CIC and specialises in masculinity, mental health and the impact of psychological trauma
  • Daisy Mant, Old Brutonian, studying at Edinburgh University and working part time for Everyone’s Invited
  • Stephen Edlmann; Senior Warden and previously worked in international law firms around the world 
  • Katy Jack; an employment lawyer and member of the Employee Relations team dealing with dignity at work issues
  • Rev'd George Beverly - Chaplain

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