Blackford House hosted a film night for charity...
On Sunday 10th October, Blackford House hosted a film night in aid of School in a Bag. The Disney classic, ‘Cars’ provided not only a healthy dose of childhood nostalgia, but also the opportunity to support this tremendous charity. School in a Bag "provides millions of children, who are deprived of an opportunity to learn, a School Bag which can provide vastly improved learning capabilities, hope, and a lifeline to a future out of poverty."
It is thought that we managed to raise enough money to purchase 10 bags which will provide potentially life-changing opportunities. The evening was also supported by King's Bruton Enterprise team, who ran a tuckshop called the ‘Trade Temptation’.
Blackford House, would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those supporting this worthy and fun event. ‘Ka – chow!’
Javdat and Edward - U6th Form, Blackford House