Wellesley House presents... Alice...
Drama and Theatre House Activities and Competitions

Wellesley House presents... Alice...

On Thursday 10th and Friday 11th March, Wellesley House performed the Laura Wade theatre adaptation of Alice in Wonderland 'Alice'. Skilfully directed by Mia and with Grace performing as Alice, the play was worthy of a West End stage! The stage was transformed through the creative vision of Jodie, and I am very grateful to all of the Wellesley girls who performed, helped backstage, were front of house and helped with hospitality, as they showed great House spirit, commitment and enthusiasm. I am also grateful to the Hospitality Department, House staff, Mrs Warren and particularly Mr Stainton for all of their support.

Emilie Loveless, Wellesley Housemistress.

Flickr album: Wellesley Play - Alice - March 2023 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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