King's Bruton

Biologists & Psychologists Enjoy Valuable Trip To Bristol Zoo!

Biology Academic Events

On Tuesday, all of the 3rd Form and L6th Form Psychologists headed to Bristol Zoo for a joint Biology, Art and Psychology trip.

During the day the 3rd Form had a number of tasks to complete for Biology and Art, including answering questions about how animals are adapted to their natural environments and sketching animal profiles, paying particular attention to pattern and form. The 3rd Form also took part in education sessions where they learnt all about feeding relationships and got to hold hissing cockroaches, snakes and chinchillas.  The L6th Form Psychologists spent the day observing animal interactions focusing on feeding patterns and attachment behaviour. They used these observations to plan their own investigations which is a major focus of their A Level course. Overall, it was a beautiful sunny day that was highly valuable for everyone. An album of photos from the trip can be seen below.

Kate Flavell - Head of Biology

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