King's Bruton

Celebrating Black History Month


Celebrating Black History Month...

It is a privilege to stand before you today as we come together to celebrate the month of October which is Black History Month. This year's theme, Reclaiming Narratives, is one that challenges all of us to rethink the way we understand history and, most importantly, who tells it. It marks a significant shift towards recognising and correcting the narratives of Black history and culture. By emphasising this theme, we shine a brighter light on stories, allegories, and histories that underscore our commitment to correcting historical inaccuracies and showcasing the untold success stories and the full complexity of Black heritage. Stories of artists and innovators, warriors and philosophers have long been overshadowed by narratives that focused only on oppression, rather than the richness of Black history and culture. But today, we're here to acknowledge that and to be part of changing it.

Douglas - U6th Form, New House - EDI Committee

Here in the UK, Black people have been part of this nation's story for centuries. From the Black Tudors of the 16th century to the Windrush Generation, Black Britons have helped build this country literally and culturally. But how often are these stories told? How often do we see this history reflected in our education system, our public spaces, or our media? Not nearly enough. As we celebrate Black History Month, I think of the words of Maya Angelou, who said, "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." Our role is to make sure those stories are heard, that they are shared with pride, and that Black people can continue shaping history- both here in the UK and globally. Let us all commit to reclaiming, supporting, and uplifting these narratives, today and every day.

Winnie - Deputy Head of School, Wellesley House - EDI Committee

Monty and Rosie followed on from this with a heads/tails quiz to educate pupils on the position of Black people in our Society which proved very popular, and Sophie from Wellesley won the quiz and chocolate for her Tutor group.

From this week onwards the EDI Committee are presenting a different character explaining the achievement they have made. This week Alexina and Jamie decided on Stormzy and have put up a great display (which you can see below) showing many reasons why Stormzy should be celebrated.

Emily Simper - Deputy Head, Pastoral


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