Looking back with a sense of justified pride and confidence
Life at King's Community

A word from the Headmaster at the beginning of the Easter Term...

The Roman god, Janus, gave his name to the month of January but, with his two faces, facing both ways, he was also the Roman god of doorways and new beginnings. I mentioned Janus in my first Assembly of this new Easter Term, as I think we should look back on what we have all achieved over these last two pandemic-affected years with a sense of justified pride and confidence. Yes, it has been worrying and confusing, but the King’s community has adjusted admirably to lockdown, remote lessons, CAGS and TAGs, vaccinations, testing, quarantine and face coverings. Sadly, these all now seem part of how we live and learn in school, but we, like Janus, should also be looking forward, and looking forward with excitement at what the new term will bring.

Term starts at King’s with 360 pupils, which is the highest pupil roll for decades, and we have the school play, netball, hockey and music concerts and so much more to look forward to. We may have to continue to adjust and adapt, but I am really looking forward to all that the School will achieve over the coming weeks and months.

Happy New Year!

Ian Wilmshurst - Headmaster

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